Monthly Archives: October 2018

Pumpkin decorating contest

Walking down the street on Halloween night, lots of scary monsters and other strange sights….

Children love dress up parties. You can’t imagine how excited they get when Halloween rolls around. Halloween gives them a chance to be spooky and give their teachers a fright.

There are a lot of Halloween activities children get engaged in that day.

We read Halloween books, go on a ghost hunt, bake witches’ fingers, take pictures at Halloween picture booth, dance and take part in Halloween games and contests.

The grand finale is a Pumpkin decorating contest. It’s impossible to choose a winner, they are all awesome!



Hokus-Pokus-z magią na wesoło

Magic tricks always enchanted little children. Today we’ve learned how to perform some of them.

It’s not rocket science.  All you have to remember is a magic spell-Hocus Pocus.

Oh, and you need a magic wand.

Our children are born magicians-they could do some of the hardest tricks right away 🙂 .

It was a wonderful, magical experience for everyone which brought lots of smiles to our faces!