We’re learning opposites today.
Black and white, night and day,
Young and old, big and small,
By the end of the week we’ll know them all!
Monthly Archives: February 2019
Bajka o Piosence i nutkach-spotkanie z P. Lidią Bajkowską
Music is a universal language! It is a way of communicating and expressing our feeling and emotions. Today Mrs. Lidia Bajkowska, the author of numerous bestsellers, opened the door for us to the world of music.
We’ve learned about music tempo and different sounds, how to express different moods and play in different rhythms.
We growled like bears, buzzed like bees and tweeted like birds.
Did you know that you can learn the fundamentals of music through drama? Now we know how to name musical notes thanks to Mrs. Lidia Bajkowska’s fairy tale and even find them on the keyboard.
Thank you, Mrs. Lidia! Will you come and visit us again?
A trip to the chocolate factory
What’s the world’s favorite flavor? That’s right, chocolate!
Chocolate bars. Chocolate pudding. Chocolate ice cream. Chocolate milk.
The list of delicious treats made from chocolate is nearly limitless.
Today we had a trip to the local manufacturer of chocolate where we made our own bars of chocolate with some of our favorite add-ins like strawberries, raspberries, apples, pineapples and even gummy bears.
We decorated chocolate bars with nuts and even bread sticks .
We also learned where chocolate comes from and had a cup of rich, hot chocolate.
It was delicious!
Birds in winter
Feed, feed, feed the birds in the wintertime
When the days are dark and cold food is hard to find
Feed, feed, feed the birds till the spring has come
Scatter birdseed on the snow, feeding birds is fun!
Our preschoolers know very well that in winter, when the food is scarce, we need to help our feathery friends survive cold days. So, we string popcorn and apples and make yummy treats the birds can snack on.
Learning patterns is fun!
We make “people patterns” (boy/girl), or movement patterns (clap/snap, clap/snap/slap, jump/jump/sit down etc.). We use pattern blocks, cut-out shapes to create shape patterns.
Bear family counters are perfect to make a size pattern.
Beads, pompom s, or just crayons can be used to make a color pattern.
Children also love to use color manipulatives such as Unifix cubes, animal, fruits or car counters, buttons to make more complex patterns.
“Stickman” by Julia Donaldson
One morning Stick Man goes out for his routine jog, he meets a playful dog. This game leads to a handful of unfortunate adventures, which leads Stick Man far from home… All the seasons pass… Stick Man meets a special friend who is happy to help him get home.. but will it eventually happen? Will Stick Man get back to the family tree for Christmas? Ask your little ones, we’re sure they know!
Take a moment to appreciate our Stick Man poster.. ☃️
We do a lot of exercises, we’re having lots of fun!
We work on your children’s condition every day.
It’s not always necessary to have expensive equipment to provide learning opportunities for children. We practice to balance, play games with the parachute, bean bags, ribbons, climb a climbing frame, play movement games, learn how to fall down and land on feet or just dance.
Movement activities help children to develop socially and emotionally because they permit interrelationships with other children in groups and with the partners.
Today we did exercises with throwing and catching balls, rolling and a lot of stretching.
Good warm up = endorphins !
It gives us a lot of happiness and energy for the whole day 😉
Some of our art projects